Water: A Comprehensive Guide For Brewers Book

Water: A Comprehensive Guide For Brewers Book

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Water is arguably the most critical and least understood of the foundation elements in brewing beer. Water: A Comprehensive Guide for Brewers, third in Brewers Publications’ Brewing Elements series, takes the mystery out of water’s role in the brewing process. From an overview on sources, quality and geography, the book leads brewers through how to read water reports, understanding flavor contributions, and the treatment and chemistry of brewing water. A discussion of adjusting water to styles of beer, residual alkalinity, malt acidity, mash pH, brewery process water and wastewater treatment is included.
About the authors: John Palmer was born and raised in Midland, Michigan. He is author of the bestseller How to Brew and co-author with friend and homebrewer Jamil Zainasheff for Brewing Classic Styles. Currently, he is Quality Manager for a heat treating and brazing company that services the aerospace industry.
Colin Kaminski discovered brewing while briefly dating a woman with a degree in fermentation science from UC Davis. Using one of his first three batches of homebrew, Kaminski applied and was hired at Beer, Beer and More Beer as a product designer. In 2003, he became the master brewer at Downtown Joe’s Brewery. He was awarded the Beer Writers Guild Feature of the Year Award for his BYO article “Bring on the Heat”.

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