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Simple IPA Clone Recipe by ben_beer American IPA All Grain 5.25 Gallon Batch 30 Minute Boil 65% Efficiency Created 7/25/2020 Updated 7/25/2020 No Reviews 1 Brew Log Comments


Brew Day

Strike Water Volume

4 Gallons

Sparge Water Volume

4 Gallons

Pre-Boil Wort Volume

6 Gallons

Expected Original Gravity


Fermenter Volume

5.25 Gallons

Strike Water Temperature

166 F

Sparge Water Temperature

175 F

Post-Boil Wort Volume

5.25 Gallons

Actual Original Gravity


Fermentation Temperature

85 F


Mashed for 2 hours, then drained. Batch sparged after 45 mins

30 minute boil, ended with 5.25 gallons at 1.067. Pitched Kveik at 85 degrees. Left fermenter in garage, which was in the 80s at the time

36 hours after pitch, gravity down to 1.012. Crazy activity! Moved down to basement and put in water tub to cool down to room basement temp quickly

7/28/20 added dry hops


Bottle / Keg


Bottled 4.25 gallons

FG of 1.010 Despite the large dry hop, not many hop particles suspended. Beer looks very hazy. Accidentally got the racking cane into the trub twice, which may be ok given I've heard that Kviek can have trouble bottle carbing due to high floccing

Created with MIBrew from Michigan Brew Supply