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Winter Haze Recipe by knute American IPA All Grain 12.00 Liter Batch 60 Minute Boil 70% Efficiency Created 12/22/2018 Updated 12/26/2018 No Reviews 1 Brew Log Comments


Brew Day

Strike Water Volume

25 Liters

Sparge Water Volume


Pre-Boil Wort Volume

14 Liters

Expected Original Gravity


Fermenter Volume

10.5 Liters

Strike Water Temperature

69 C

Sparge Water Temperature


Post-Boil Wort Volume

11.5 Liters

Actual Original Gravity


Fermentation Temperature

19 C


Mash: didn't want to mash with too little water in the big pot, so started with 25 L, planning to boil off for a while. Added water adjustments and started the temperature controlled mash at 69C, though the actual temperature seemed to vary a lot, possibly reaching as much as 71C at times. (Should use a lower temperature and/or less than 3000W next time.) Used a rubber tube attached to the pump to circulate the water without introducing oxygen.

Long, long boil: measured the initial pre-boil gravity to around 1.040. Expected it to be low, but damn. Boiled for maybe 100 minutes, and it got up to 1.046-ish. Added 100g of sugar and measured it to about 1.050 and noticed that the amount of wort was below 15L (oops!). Close enough, started the "official" boil for 50 minutes. After the boil, measured the OG to about 1.072. (Guess I could have skipped the sugar.)

Hop stand: 30 minutes at 75C, temperature controlled. Set the power to 500W, which was still enough to cause the temperature to vary quite a bit, at least up to 76.3C. Can probably use even lower power levels for mash/hop stand.

Fermentation: got just above 10L in the bucket. Added rehydrated yeast and started the fermentation at 19C.

Dry hop 1: after 4 days (Citra Cryo)

Dry hop 2: after 9 days (Vic Secret). Also upped the temperature to 21C.

Cold crashed at 8C after 12 days. Did not take a gravity sample before cold crashing since I didn't want to introduce oxygen... this might have been a mistake.

Kegged after 14 days, then measured the FG to 1.027 (!). Not sure if I kegged too soon, or if a flaky mash + long boil was enough to create lots of unfermentable sugars.

OG: 1.072
FG: 1.027
ABV: 5.91%

Created with MIBrew from Michigan Brew Supply